David MacKenzie
High Chief of Clan Chattan, a confederation of twenty-two highland clans, David MacKenzie is one of the highest ranking nobles in Scotland. A sworn enemy of the Wolf since he witnessed the death of his only child, Bonnie, David will do whatever it takes to ensure the annihilation of the evil the Stuarts have wrought upon the highlands.
Birthday/Age: 36
Nickname: Dave (by his wife)
Appearance: 6’ 0”, broadly muscular and solid. Bald, and very masculine.
Background: Chieftain of the MacKenzies since he was twenty, David became High Chief of Clan Chattan after the death of his daughter drove him to revenge. His ability to protect the Chattan territories has made him an efficient leader. David's world depends on order and routine, and is near-perfect except for the loss of his daughter, and the lost love of his wife Christina.
Marriages: Christina MacKenzie
Wife: Christina MacKenzie
Daughter: Bonnie MacKenzie (deceased)
Home: Tor Castle, Lochaber, Scotland
Height: 6’ 0”
Languages: Gaelic, English
Strength: Strength
Versatility: Sword
Spiritual Gift: Knowledge