Lion : Léo MacKinnon
The illegitimate son of the Chief Colm MacKinnon and Blanche d’Audrehem, Léo MacKinnon has spent much of his adult life as an unwanted member of the MacKinnon clan. During his time in France he advanced to a prominent position as an adviser to the King of France. After helping Hector MacLean rescue his wife from Lochindorb, Léo is captured by the Wolf of Badenoch.
Birthday/Age: October 24, 1353 (31)
Nickname: Léo (by his friends), Léonid (by family)
Appearance: 6’ 5”, honey brown eyes, olive skin, sandy hair, extremely handsome (and he knows it).
Background: The product of his father’s affair with a French noblewoman, Léo was raised on the Isle of Skye in the same home as his half-brothers and sister (and loathed). Upon the death of his parents his brothers abandoned him in France with his mother’s family. There he met and became best friends with Hector MacLean.
Wife - Théa Toussaint MacKinnon (deceased)
Son - Gabriel MacKinnon
Best Friend - Hector MacLean
Half Brothers - Chief Niall MacKinnon & Fingon MacKinnon, Abbot of Iona
Half Sister - Elspeth MacKinnon
Father - Chief Colm MacKinnon
Mother - Blanche d’Audrehem
Uncle - Arnoul d'Audrehem, Maréchal de France
Home: Proche De La Mer, Calais, France
Height: 6’ 5”
Languages: Gaelic, French
Strength: Swords
Versatility: Daggers
Spiritual Gift: Discernment
“God! Are you listening? Do you think this is funny?”
The silent response made rage snake up his spine. Once again, the Lord had abandoned him to a fate worse than death, and he was sick of it. In anger, he picked up Father Allen’s heavy iron cauldron and flung it across the room. “Where are you? Where have you ever been? What have I ever done to you to deserve this?”
The clatter of the cauldron continued to echo around the empty chamber as it rocked on its side, reminding Léo of just how alone he had always been. “Why did I never dream about being locked in prison? Why did your prophecy never reveal to me that I would be locked away for the rest of…” Tears choked his throat but he sucked in a breath, forcing them away. “For the rest of my God-forsaken life? And that’s what I am. God-forsaken.”