Bàs no Beatha (bah-s no beh-heh) - Life or Death
Cèilidh - Scottish/Céilí - Irish (KAY-lee) - a social visit, sometimes with dancing.
Uisge Beatha (OOshkih-beh-heh) - whiskey, literally meaning water of life
Donegal - (dun-ee-gall)
Duart Castle/Caisteal Dhubhairt (Dew-ert)
Islay (eye-luh)
Lochbuie (Logh-Booey)
Lochdon (Logh-don)
Lochindorb (Logh-in-dorb)
Loch Spelve (Logh-spelvey)
Moy Castle (moi)
MacFadyen (Macfadden)
MacLean (Maclaine)
MacLeod (Macloud)
MacKay (Mackai)
Mhairi (Vahr-ree)
Padraig (Pah-drig)
Leine (layna) - A tunic/dress
Chemise (shuh-meese) - linen dress underwear/similiar to a nightgown
Crotal Bells (crowtal bells) - bells attached to horses to announce their presence
Cuirass (kwuh-riss) - a piece of armor used to protect the chest, typically made of metal/leather